For years I did not believe chiropractic can “cure” any ailments of the human body.
To a degree, however, I do believe chiropractic medicine can alleviate symptoms but not cure it due to certain body manipulations.
3 years ago I started to have mid back pain. I was told by my physician that I had muscle strain and opt for therapy. Despite my concern for being in my early 30s in good shape, I needed to take action.
I decided to try Shannon Chiropractic. I chose this place as it used to be near the place where I first found my first job in NH.
The office had great reviews and its reputation was high.
Told Dr. Shannon my issue and went over some key items what he will be doing based on the pain I had described. Had my first session on the first visit.
After several sessions under 30 days, my pain level went from 8 ( 1-10, lowest to highest ) to a 2.
I went twice a week as instructed. I followed his advice on continuing care and some exercises I can do.
He was informative and detailed. No “shimmy shammy wishy washy” talks – he was straight to the point and described items to the core.
In conclusion, I sleep better, movement on the mid back is a lot more mobile and I feel great!
I am not saying chiropractic medicine is the holy grail to any referred pain but I can agree that Chiropractic medicine is a great way to add to your lifestyle for better health. This office is beyond great! Treated me like a person should be without a price tag. Cared for me without the thought of being another business transaction.
One of the best in seacoast!